Sunday, May 9, 2010

My last e-mail to

Dear All,

The association with Teach For India was small but sweet.

Today is my last day at Teach For India. After TFI internship, I am going to join Mudra Institute of Communications, Ahmedabad (MICA) to pursue MBA. Thankfully, I don’t have to resign & this is the best part of internship that it comes with an expiry date. Though I continued voluntarily for one more month after completion of internship because of the beauty of the work culture here. Thanks Sheela/Kavita/Anuja for working out this extension.

TFI has given me an opportunity to grow & to become a kid at the same time. I understand myself better now & enjoyed past four months to the fullest. I came to the office full of energy & enthusiasm every single day.

Special thanks to:

1. Anil Bhaiya – For all the things that I learnt from you. You should be given a PhD considering the large pool of contacts that you have & the research you put in on every single day at TFI. Also, thanks for hunting for my life partner, though we couldn’t succeed but we should celebrate the efforts. I promise to get married within five years.

2. Sheela – For believing in my potential & getting me into TFI. At times I think how boring & monotonous my life would have been if I wouldn’t have written that casual mail to that you took seriously.

3. Rebecca – For your creative talent & spontaneity that I will copy/paste at MICA.

4. Ruchi Mathur – For guiding me to take better decisions for my career.

5. Sangeeta Maushi – For giving Pune staff the food & keeping the office tidy.

6. Kids from Surya’s/Subhashini’s/Jyoti’s class – For calling me bhaiya & playing with me.

7. Last but not the least – Shaheen & everyone in TFI whose names are not mentioned above & who interacted with me or passed a smile while passing by. For all the love, support & guidance that you gave me during my work. 2010 Fellows & all other applicants for coming to Assessment Centre on time & co-operating in Selection processes.

Special sorry to:

Fiona – For asking you to go to Thermax, Mumbai to guide Fellowship applicants when the assessments were scheduled in Thermax, Pune.

Now as I sign off, two of my juniors (Medha Krishnan & Siddharth Maru) are signing-in to TFI. Both are 2010 batch Civil Engineers. I hope they will contribute a lot to the student achievement & to TFI culture. I would continue to volunteer with Selection/Recruitment depending upon the time I get during my studies.

In the end…..


Goodbye & see you all when I sign-in again. I hope you dance…..

Thanks & Regards,

Rinkesh Arondekar

Cell no: 9921946979

TFI - Selection/Summer School

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